three badges for voting

US.VOTE, a new 2024 initiative of U.S. Vote Foundation, opens up an exciting online destination for creative voter outreach and engagement campaigns and programs. With US.VOTE, the foundation will offer a helping hand to voters who need guidance or inspiration to help navigate the often confusing voting process.

Throughout U.S. Vote Foundation's twenty year history, we have focused on providing the most up-to-date and comprehensive voter tools and information to all American voters, domestic and abroad. The results are expressed through an array of user-friendly, integrated voter services available on the U.S. Vote Foundation website. For voters ready to take action, it is the ideal destination.

For some voters, however, there are questions or special circumstances that stand in the way of registering to vote, requesting a ballot or taking any number of other voter actions. And the answers to voter questions can vary depending on the state. There is no one-size-fits-all with voting. In real-life, the path to voting is not predictably the same for all voters.

This is the “why” of US.VOTE. Facing variations across the states in their voting rules, deadlines and voting methods, is a lot to unravel for many voters. Couple that with any out-of-the-norm personal circumstance, and the path to the ballot box may not be evident. US.VOTE aims to clarify the path, regardless of personal situations, disabilities, ID requirements or the many other challenges that arise.

US.VOTE's first campaign — You're Eligible Situations (YES) — takes on the many “Can I vote if…?” questions that stand in the way of voting for our citizens at home and abroad. The YES Campaign represents Phase One of US.VOTE's initiative. Success will be measured in how the campaign helps to close the turnout gap for underrepresented voters in America.

US.VOTE's Phase Two will focus on what comes after “Can I vote if…?”— which is, “How to vote.” Stay tuned for our next innovation!

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